Widget API - UK Documentation (UK Merchants)
This page provides instructions on pulling widget data from widget API endpoint for merchants who want to build a custom widget front-end instead of using existing Humm solution.
Compliance Content
Each widget must display obligatory compliance text that cannot be removed or changed by merchants.
The text is placed in the original widget above and below the 'Apply' button - see example below:

The text above the 'Apply' button :
"Late Payment Fee – £7 charged on the day after the payment due date if account is not up to date more info"
The text below the 'Apply' button :
"humm is a trading style of Humm Group Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Registration Number 954478. humm offers both regulated and unregulated products. Our interest free plans which are repayable within 12 months and in no more than 12 instalments are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 3rd Floor, 2-4 Wellington Street, Belfast. Company Number: NI675430. Data Protection Register Number: ZB029507
© Copyright Humm Group Limited"
Widget API endpoint for requesting instalment calculation and repayments breakdown figures:
{merchant_id} : identifier for rate sets
{amount} : total price amount to request loan for
Response Format:
JSON object
Example request URL:
Example Response:
"uniqueApplyLink": "https://hummuk.app.link/sfahfa98",
"merchantName":"John Doe Furniture",
"offerDesc":"Pay in 6",
"merchantName":"John Doe Furniture",
"offerDesc":"Pay in 12",
Field | Description |
merchantName | Merchants name |
offerDesc | Offer's name |
totAmtPayable | The final amount to be repaid (already includes total fees) |
interestHoliday | subset interest free repayments of total repayments |
intFreeAmt | Interest-free instalment amount |
intFreePeriod | Interest-free number of repayments |
intAmt | instalment amount including interest |
intPeriod | interest-bearing number of repayments |
amt | ignore (not used) |
rateMin | minimum amount for this offer |
rateMax | maximum amount for this offer |
apr | annual percentage rate |
term | Number of total repayments |
frequency | Time frequency between repayments |
upfront | Amount to pay upfront. If zero but applicationFee is not zero, then upfront should amount to applicationFee |
interest | Is interest applicable? |
interestRate | interest rate |
acctKeepingFee | Fee for keeping account for each term unit (i.e. per month) |
applicationFee | Once-off application fee |
totalFees | total sum of fees |
totalInterest | total interest |
uniqueApplyLink | unique apply link dedicated to merchant |
count | number of offers available for given amount |
Updated 7 months ago